2022-23 Season Gallery
Buildfest 2022
In addition to participating in the FIRST Tech Challenge robotics competition, we do outreach work and volunteer with local organizations. In 2022, we participated in The Children's Playhouse's annual "Buildfest." We brought building supplies to engage kids with building/design, Snap Circuits to teach the basics of circuitry, and they were also able to play a game with Timothy, a simple robot we designed for this event.
Our club has been involved in two major outreach opportunities this school year. A few of our members were given the opportunity by ECRS to help with parking to raise some money for the club, which was incredibly successful for the club as a whole. Robotics members also went out to help with the Annual Spooky Duke Race, members were doing things such as handing our water cups to runners, directing runners, and assisting in setup and cleanup of the event.
FTC Power Play, 2022-23
The 2022-23 season, Power Play, required that we design a robot to pick up small red cones, and place them on tall poles around the field. This year, the senior members heavily emphasized club sustainability and passing the club on to future student leaders.