2023-24 Season Gallery

Loki 2024

Although we missed qualifiers this year, with a massive amount of help from 24789 Split Second, we finished up the year strong by competing in the off-season competition, LOKI. Queen Liz won us 2 thrilling matches and being awarded the 2nd place "Glorious Purpose" Award for the video submission we made that was directed by one of our rookies, Micah! Getting to finally compete this year was really incredible and we all enjoyed it so much! We learned a lot this year and can't wait for the next season!

BuildFest 2024

Since 2018, Tungsteel has participated in BuildFest event hosted by The Children's Playhouse. This year we were joined our our friends from 24789 Split Second! Both teams brought our robots for kids to operate around a field and knock down obstacles as well as a seperate station to learn about circuitry and electronics with Snap Circuits.

ECRS Fundraiser 2023

For the past few years, we have been able to participate in ECRS' fundraisers that they offer to any organization who needs the money. This year we were able to secure the spot and sell parking spots to eager fans excited to see the football game at the App State stadium!